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Aidan’s Ride 2015 – Brooklyn, New York


Aidan’s Ride 2015 – Brooklyn, New York

Chain Stitching Patch

Come out Sunday May 31, 2015 for the 2nd Annual Aidan’s Ride. The ride starts at Indian Larry Motorcycles shop and goes 80 miles to the Maples in Long Island. All money goes to support families affected by ALD and to continue the fight for every state to test newborns for Adrenoleukodystrophy, the disease that took Aidan 3 years ago.


Mission:  “Aidan Jack Seeger Foundation was established to address the need for information and newborn screening with respect to Adrenoleukodystrophy. In addition, we strive to support and encourage those afflicted and their families as they struggle to endure, adjust and cope with the demands of the disease.

To advocate for ALD newborn screening in every state.
To gather and provide current, functional information and provide financial support to families of children with ALD.
To fund research efforts that will identify new treatments, therapies and ultimately, a cure for ALD.
To raise awareness of ALD and increasing the probability of early detection and treatment.
Aidan and our family have been blessed with support from all over the world. Aidan’s Facebook page quickly reached over 20,000 members who went on this journey with us. The letters, cards, gifts made our days brighter and made us feel that although the majority of these people never knew us or our son they were praying for his recovery. The family and friends who held fundraisers allowing us to spend every precious moment with our son are priceless. The Aidan Jack Seeger Foundation is a tribute to our hero Aidan who suffered enormously and showed us the meaning of kindness, hope and most of all love. Our hope is to help save future boys and their families this unimaginable suffering.”




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