Spit’n Lanes, Hits The Road Classic Motorcycle Show
“This year’s event:
‘Split’n Lanes…Hits the Road’ , with its expansive new outdoor location at Long Tall Shorty’s, in Asbury NJ…is making it possible
for so much more! More Vintage Machines.
More additional entertainment; Documentary Film Screening, Swap Meet, Vendors, Live Bands, Camping, Bonfires, Motorcycle Giveaway, and a yet-to-be-announced HUGE SURPRISE! A full weekend submerged in the vintage motorcycle world…and all in the great Outdoors! We will have more than 100 unique machines on display…you really don’t want to miss this eclectic collection! Most importantly…you will be able to see your Friends! Our Friends have always been the top reason that we continue to forge ahead with our show…sure hope to see you” –
August 20th-22nd!
Long Tall Shorty’s 1090 Route 173
Asbury, NJ 08802
Tim fitzpatrick says:
Same dates as brookfied meet